
Vomiting, also known as emesis, is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. It is a natural reflex that helps the body get rid of harmful substances or irritants. However, persistent or severe vomiting can be a sign of an underlying condition and may require medical attention. Homeopathic remedies can be used to alleviate the symptoms of vomiting effectively.

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that works on the principle of "like cures like." It uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. Homeopathic remedies can be effective in addressing anxiety by addressing the underlying causes and promoting overall wellbeing.  

Here are seven commonly used homeopathic remedies for vomiting:

1. Nux vomica (Nux vom.)

One of the primary remedies for vomiting, especially when associated with overeating, indigestion or excessive alcohol consumption. The person may experience nausea, a sour or bitter taste in the mouth and an irritable disposition. Read more...

2. Ipecacuanha (Ip.)

Indicated for persistent nausea and vomiting, even when the stomach is empty. The person may feel weak, exhausted and may have a constant inclination to vomit. Read more...

3. Arsenicum album (Ars.)

This is suitable for vomiting accompanied by anxiety, restlessness and a feeling of extreme weakness. The person may have a burning sensation in the stomach and may experience relief from sipping warm drinks. Read more...

4. Phosphorus (Phos.)

Recommended for vomiting with a sour or bitter taste in the mouth and a sensation of burning in the stomach. The person may feel weak and may have a strong desire for cold drinks. Read more...

5. Veratrum album (Verat.)

A remedy indicated for violent vomiting and diarrhoea, with profuse sweating, coldness and weakness. The person may have a pale face and a craving for icy-cold drinks. Read more...

6. Pulsatilla (Puls.)

Pulsatilla is suitable for vomiting caused by rich or fatty foods, and it is commonly indicated in children. The person may feel better in the open air and may have a desire for cold drinks. Read more...

7. Bryonia alba (Bry.)

Recommended when vomiting occurs after eating or drinking, and the person experiences intense nausea and a desire to remain still. The person may feel worse with any motion. Read more...

In addition to homeopathic remedies, there are natural ways to help alleviate vomiting:

1. Rest and hydration: Rest in a comfortable position and sip small amounts of clear fluids, such as water, herbal teas or electrolyte solutions, to prevent dehydration.

2. Ginger: Ginger is known for its anti-nausea properties. Consider consuming ginger tea, ginger sweets or ginger capsules to help reduce vomiting.

3. Peppermint: Peppermint has calming effects on the stomach. Drink peppermint tea or suck on peppermint sweets to soothe nausea and vomiting.

4. Acupressure: Apply gentle pressure to the P6 point on the inner wrist, also known as the Nei Guan point, to help alleviate nausea and vomiting.

5. Fresh air and ventilation: Stay in a well-ventilated area or step outside for fresh air, as stuffy or odorous environments can trigger or worsen vomiting.

6. Avoid triggers: Identify and avoid triggers that can induce vomiting, such as certain foods, strong smells or excessive movement.

7. Gradual reintroduction of food: Once vomiting has subsided, start with small, bland and easily digestible foods, such as crackers, rice or bananas, before gradually reintroducing a normal diet.

It is important to remember that persistent or severe vomiting can lead to dehydration and nutrient imbalances and it may require medical attention. If vomiting persists, worsens or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.

If you need help why not contact us to arrange to speak to one of our homeopaths or complete the form below. We offer both in-person clinic appointments in Stroud or online consultations anywhere in the world.

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More time to talk to a health professional

When you see a homeopath you are given the time to talk about all the symptoms you are experiencing. The first appointment usually lasts 90mins, with follow-up appointments lasting 45mins. Questions about your lifestyle, eating habits and preferences, temperament, personality, sleep patterns and medical history help the homeopath to form a complete picture of your health.

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01453 766 556
This clinic creates a beacon for homeopathy in Stroud; it brings homeopaths together; it acts as an international teaching facility for the School and it offers patients the highest quality of homeopathic treatment and care.
This clinic creates a beacon for homeopathy in Stroud; it brings homeopaths together; it acts as an international teaching facility for the School and it offers patients the highest quality of homeopathic treatment and care.

Mani Norland, Principal