NHS seek views on Homeopathy services in Liverpool
We want to hear what people think about the provision of homeopathy services in the City.
Homeopathy is a 'treatment' based on the use of highly diluted substances, which practitioners claim can cause the body to heal itself.
NHS Liverpool CCG currently commissions around £30,000 of homeopathy services each year. Between April 2014 and April 2015, the service saw 121 new patients and held 447 follow up appointments with existing patients.
The CCG wants to engage patients, the public and others with an interest in homeopathy on the future provision of this service.
NHS Liverpool CCG’s Governing Body, at its meeting on November 10th, recommended that their preferred option would be to stop commissioning homeopathy services. The CCG will now undertake an open and transparent process to engage with patients and stakeholders, to understand and take account of views around homeopathy services.
Dr Nadim Fazlani, Chair of NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “We have a responsibility to commission treatments which offer patients effective outcomes.
“There is little evidence that homeopathy has a clinical benefit, so as a Governing Body our preferred option would be to stop commissioning this service; however it is important that the people have an opportunity to provide their views before a decision is made.
“We want to hear from the public and other stakeholders about the future of these services.”
This entry was posted on 09 December 2015 at 10:56 and is filed under Homeopathy | Alternative Medicine | Inspiration | Health.