Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation

Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation

The Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation is the UK accredited body for professional homeopathy courses. Graduates from Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation accredited courses are eligible to join the Society of Homeopaths of Alliance Register of Homeopaths. 

Homeopathy courses are recognised for their standards of education and training related to the National Occupational Standards (NOS) with in-depth clinical training. 

This recognition scheme is not designed for ‘short’ courses in homeopathy. Only courses designed to develop safe, competent professional homeopathic practitioners may enter the Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation process.

The future of the homeopathy profession depends on the education of its practitioners, making it essential for course providers to be accountable. The Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation ensures that courses offer comprehensive training, adhere to the National Occupational Standards for Homeopathy, and meet the educational standards equivalent to Level 6 in higher education (comparable to a university degree).

The School is reviewed annually with an in-depth quality assurance evaluation taking place every four years. Courses must show that they have appropriate facilities, staffing, administration and educational resources. They must also be able to demonstrate clear course policy and ethos which will be reflected in curriculum (teaching, learning and assessment), student progression and achievement, student support and guidance. Their clinical education is in line with the Society’s Clinical Education Guidelines. Recognised courses agree to continue to develop, through peer and self evaluation, reflection and review and by links with the Society’s education staff.

The IHA accreditation process is mapped against the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare National Occupational Standards (CNH NOS) and the Core Criteria for Homeopathic practice (CC), to ensure that homeopathic education is congruent with other healthcare professions at Higher Education Level 6.

The current Accreditation Handbook indicate that the purposes of the accreditation process is primarily to identify, maintain and evolve high standards of professional education. The course standards framework provides the foundation for this review, focusing on the quality of education provided, the student support provided, suitability of proprietors and staff, venue, provision of information and manner in which complaints are handled.

Maintaining high educational standards for aspiring homeopaths benefits not only the students but also the homeopathy profession and the general public, who ultimately benefit from homeopathic services.

Website: The Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation

Highly qualified and fully regulated

Homeopathy is a self-regulated profession with high standards. There are several registers listing professional homeopaths and each register sets a code of ethics, standards and requirements to practice. Registered homeopaths are insured and undergo continued professional development.