Society of Homeopaths

Society of Homeopaths

The Society of Homeopaths is the largest organisation of registered professional homeopaths in the UK. Established in 1978 they are also the longest-standing body representing homeopaths.

The Society of Homeopaths accredited courses from 1994 to 2024. School of Homeopathy's course was the first course to achieve The Society of Homeopaths recognition status in 1994 and maintained its accreditation through to 2024. In 2024 all Society accredited courses moved to the Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation system.  

UK and International graduates from the School of Homeopathy are eligible to register with the Society of Homeopaths.

UK residents
Further information about registration for UK residents may be found here.

Overseas residents
Further information about registration for Overseas
resident may be found here.

Enjoy the benefits of being registered with the largest homeopathic governing body in the UK, and of RSHom designation.

It's been a wonderful progression to see the Society and the School of Homeopathy walk alongside each other over these thirty years, contributing so enormously to the development of homeopathy in the UK today.
It's been a wonderful progression to see the Society and the School of Homeopathy walk alongside each other over these thirty years, contributing so enormously to the development of homeopathy in the UK today.

Zofia Dymitr, The Society of Homeopaths